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PLEASE NOTE: This purchase is for a downloadable PDF copy of the piece. You will NOT receive a hard copy shipped to your address. Hard copy from Edition Svitzer coming soon!


Watch the video of me playing Winter first:


Winter is the second work of SIMPLE SOLOS VOL. 1 [ SEASONS ], a collection of four simple miniatures which reflect the emotions evoked by the four seasons. I wrote SIMPLE SOLOS to not only give developing students a chance to play interesting pieces that help build their technique and musicality, but also to challenge myself to make complex music while deliberately placing limits on what techniques I am allowed to use.


As they all share a similar underlying style, the four works from SIMPLE SOLOS VOL. 1 [ SEASONS ] can be performed as standalone pieces, or all four works together in order (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer) as one continuous multi-movement work.


Winter emulates the colder and sadder tone of a chilly winter season, as the bright orange leaves of autumn fall and the sky fades to shades of grey. Its spacious nature and wistful undertones signify a more solemn mood.


Winter is a solo that can be used for both developing students' technical practice as well as a peaceful interlude in a typical recital program consisting of more advanced pieces. The key technique used in Winter is the double vertical stroke, with open block chords being used consistently throughout the work as both a rhythmic and harmonic device.


Winter allows the performer to focus on double vertical chord accuracy, as well as work on their phrasing and voicing in a more sparsely populated solo..


Winter requires a 3.0 octave or higher marimba. You will receive one (1) PDF file with the score. You can also purchase all four pieces of SIMPLE SOLOS VOL. 1 [ SEASONS ] in one set for a lower price!


Studio VIPs / Studio ARTISTs: Discount code available at! Use that code in checkout to gain 25% off this score (Studio ARTISTs) or 50% off (Studio VIPs)!

Winter, for solo marimba (3.0 octave)

  • Four-mallet marimba solo (3.0 octave)

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